
(本文由毅至国际根据加拿大食品检验局(Canadian Food Inspection Agency, CFIA)相关文件翻译,版权所有。如发现抄袭等侵权行为,将投诉到Google等搜索引擎将侵权链接及网站从搜索结果中删除并追究相关法律责任。有关加拿大食品进口方面的详细要求可以参考另一篇毅 至博客。)

When applying for a Safe Food for Canadians licence (SFC licence), you will be asked to identify the foods you are responsible for by choosing from a list of food commodities and sub-commodities. It is important to select the correct food commodity and sub-commodity so that your licence accurately reflects your business. Examples of foods that fall within each of these commodities are explained in the tables below. You do not need to select commodities to cover the ingredients you use in your products. For example, you would not select “eggs” or “dairy” to cover the ingredients used in your “cream filled doughnuts”.


In order to assist food importers and brokers, the tables below also provide examples of the Harmonized System (HS) chapters where foods in each sub-commodity may be found. Food importers are required to declare an HS code, as well as a CFIA Other Government Department (OGD) extension, on their food import declaration that accurately reflects the food they intend to import.


  • Dairy 乳制品
  • Egg 蛋类
  • Fish and seafood 鱼和海鲜
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables 新鲜水果和蔬菜
  • Honey and honey products 蜂蜜和蜂蜜产品
  • Manufactured foods 加工食品
  • Maple and maple products 枫树相关产品
  • Meat and poultry products 肉类和家禽产品
  • Processed fruits and vegetables 加工过的水果和蔬菜

Commodity:  dairy 商品:乳制品

Sub-commodities to be identified under dairy 在乳制品项下确定的子商品

The sub-commodities identified in the dairy commodity can also include milk products that are dried, cultured, condensed, or frozen. 在乳制品中确定的子商品还可以包括干燥、培养、浓缩或冷冻的奶制品。

Composite dairy products include dairy products that are mixed with other foods, but still recognized by the consumer as a dairy product. 复合乳制品包括与其他食品混合的乳制品,但仍被消费者认可为乳制品。

Dairy substitutes may be used by the consumer in place of dairy products but contain ingredients derived from dairy products (for example, caseinates). 消费者可以使用乳制替代品来代替乳制品,但其必须含有乳制品成分(例如,酪蛋白酸盐)。

Dairy drinks are a category of dairy based beverages, such as favoured milk, smoothies and egg nog. 乳制品饮料是一种以乳制品为基础的饮料,如风味牛奶、冰沙和蛋酒。

Examples of sub-commodities to be identified under dairy

 Sub-commodity 子商品  Examples 示例 Examples of HS chapters for importing  


Butter/butterfat 黄油/乳脂 cultured butter, ghee, salted butter, unsalted butter, light butter, whey butter 人造黄油,酥油,咸黄油,无盐黄油,淡黄油,乳清黄油


By-products 副产品 whey, casein, caseinates 乳清,酪蛋白,酪蛋白酸盐 04.04


35.02, 35.04

Cheese 奶酪 creamed, hard, processed and soft cheeses such as cheddar, creamed cheese, mozzarella, paneer and their products (such as crumbled, shredded, sliced) 奶油奶酪、硬奶酪、加工奶酪和软奶酪,如切达奶酪、奶油奶酪、马苏里拉奶酪、奶酪奶酪及其产品(如碎片、切片) 04.06
Composite dairy products 复合乳制品 dairy products mixed with other food commodities, such as fruits or vegetables, that are recognized as a dairy product (such as onion and garlic cream cheese, smoked salmon favoured cream cheese), cranberry goat cheese, cheese balls or logs containing nuts or fruits 与其他食品如水果或蔬菜混合的乳制品(如洋葱和大蒜奶油奶酪、烟熏三文鱼风味的奶油奶酪)、蔓越莓山羊奶酪、奶酪球或含有坚果或水果的乳制品点心 04.06




Cultured dairy products 培养乳制品 crème fraîche, kefir, sour cream (includes favoured sour cream), yoghurt (with or without fruit or other toppings) 油炸奶油、开菲尔奶油、酸奶油(包括风味酸奶油)、酸奶(含或不含水果或其他配料) 04.03
Dairy drinks 乳制品饮料 chocolate milk, strawberry milk, milkshakes, smoothies, yoghurt drink, egg nog, buttermilk 巧克力牛奶,草莓牛奶,奶昔,冰沙,酸奶饮料,鸡蛋,脱脂牛奶 18.06



Dried milk powder 干奶粉 skim-milk powder, buttermilk powder, chocolate milk powder, malted milk powder, flavoured milk powder 脱脂奶粉、含脂奶粉、巧克力奶粉、麦芽奶粉、调味奶粉 04.02
Evaporated/condensed products 蒸发/冷凝产品 2%, whole evaporated milk, sweetened condensed milk 2%或全脂炼乳、甜炼乳 04.02


Frozen dairy/novelties 冷冻乳制品/新奇制品 ice-cream, frozen yoghurt, ice cream cakes, ice cream sandwiches, frozen dairy dessert, sherbet, gelato, ice milk mixes, frozen dairy dessert mixes 冰淇淋,冷冻酸奶,冰淇淋蛋糕,冰淇淋三明治,冷冻乳制品甜点,冰沙,冰淇淋,冰牛奶混合,冷冻乳制品甜点混合 18.06.90



Milk/cream 牛奶/奶油 whole milk, 2% milk, 1% milk, skim milk, 10% cream, half and half, whipping cream 全脂牛奶,2%牛奶,1%牛奶,脱脂牛奶,10%奶油,half and half奶油,鲜奶奶油 04.01 –


Dairy substitutes 乳制品替代品 dairy spreads, coffee whitener 乳制品酱,人造稀奶油 04.05


Commodity: egg 商品:蛋产品

 Sub-commodities to be identified under egg 鸡蛋类别包含的子商品

Shell egg is the sub-commodity used for egg products that are still in their shell. These eggs may be pasteurized provided they meet the criteria in section 95 of the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations. Please Contact Eaze International if you have any further questions.


Processed egg products can be in dried, pickled, frozen or liquid form, cooked or uncooked. Processed egg products can be made of the whole egg, or the separate egg yolk and egg white components and may or may not contain other ingredients. 加工过的鸡蛋产品可以是干燥、腌制、冷冻或液体形式,煮熟或未煮熟。加工过的鸡蛋产品可以由整个鸡蛋,或单独的蛋黄和蛋白成分制成,可以含有也可以不含有其他成分。

Composite egg products are foods that contain eggs and a variety of other ingredients, but are commonly recognized by consumers as a food that is egg-based. 复合蛋制品是含有鸡蛋和各种其他成分的食品,但通常被消费者认为是一种以鸡蛋为基础的食品。

Examples of sub-commodities to be identified under egg 

Sub- commodity 子商品 Examples 示例 Examples of HS chapters for importing 进口用海关代码
Composite egg products


eggs mixed with other commodities (such as dairy and vegetables) and recognized as an egg product such as frozen breakfast egg sandwiches, egg salad, egg salad mixed with potatoes and vegetables, omelette mix, quiche, egg patties 鸡蛋与其他商品(如乳制品和蔬菜)混合,被认为是鸡蛋产品,如冷冻早餐鸡蛋三明治,鸡蛋沙拉,鸡蛋沙拉混合土豆和蔬菜,煎蛋卷,乳蛋饼,酸蛋饼 19.05.90


Processed eggs


dried, frozen, liquid eggs (whole eggs, egg whites (egg albumen) and egg yolks), hard boiled eggs, pickled eggs 干燥、冷冻、液体鸡蛋(全鸡蛋、蛋白和蛋黄)、煮熟的鸡蛋、腌鸡蛋 04.07, 04.08, 04.10 35.02
Shell eggs 含壳蛋 graded and ungraded eggs in shell, eggs pasteurized in shell 带壳的分级鸡蛋和未分级鸡蛋,带壳的巴氏消毒鸡蛋 04.07, 04.10

Commodity: fish and seafood 商品:鱼和海鲜

 Sub-commodities to be identified under fish and seafood 鱼类和海产品下的分类商品

Chordates is a sub-commodity used for sharks, skates (rays) and their by- products. 脊索动物是一种用于鲨鱼、鳐鱼及其副产品的次级商品。

Finfish is a sub-commodity that also includes non-finfish species, such as cuttlefish, octopus and squid. 鳍鱼是一种子商品,也包括非鳍鱼种类,如 墨鱼,章鱼和鱿鱼。

Foods derived from amphibians, reptiles, and marine mammals, including their by-products, are included in these 2 sub-categories. 来自两栖动物、爬行动物和海洋哺乳动物的食物,包括它们的副产品,都包括在这两个子类别中。

Composite fish and seafood products include a wide variety of foods that contain fish or seafood products mixed with other foods but are commonly recognized by consumers as a food that is fish or seafood based. 复合鱼和海鲜产品包括各种各样的食物,其中含有鱼或海鲜产品与其他食物混合,但通常被消费者认为是一种以鱼或海鲜为基础的食物。

Examples of sub-commodities to be identified under fish and seafood

 Sub- commodity


 Examples 示例 Examples of HS chapters for importing 进口用海关代码
Amphibians (and reptiles) 两栖动物(和爬行动物) alligators, crocodiles, frogs, turtles, snakes any of their parts and products 短吻鳄,鳄鱼,青蛙,海龟,蛇的任何部分和产品 02.08.50,



Chordates 脊索动物 sharks, skates (rays), any of their parts, products and by-products 鲨鱼、鳐鱼及其任何部位、产品和副产品 03.01 –03.05



Composite fish and Seafood products 复合鱼和 海鲜产品 fish and seafood products mixed with other food commodities (such as dairy,vegetables and grain products) and recognized as a fish product such as bacon wrapped scallops, shrimp rolls, sushi rolls, fish cakes, seafood lasagna, shrimp pad thai, lobster mac and cheese, seafood chowder, fish sauce, seafood or fish stuffing 与其他食品商品(如乳制品、蔬菜和谷物产品)混合的鱼和海鲜产品,并被认定为鱼产品,如培根包裹的扇贝、虾卷、寿司卷、鱼饼、海鲜千层面、虾泰式炒河粉、龙虾通心粉和奶酪、海鲜杂烩汤、鱼露、海鲜或鱼馅 16.05

19.02, 19.04, 19.05

21.03, 21.04

Crustaceans 甲壳类 lobsters, crabs, shrimp, crayfish, crawfish, rock lobsters, scampi, any of their parts, products and by-products such as cooked whole lobster, cooked crabmeat, cooked lobster claws, cooked shrimp, canned crabmeat, lobster cocktail, lobster tomalley, lobster paste, breaded shrimp, shrimp cocktail, barnacles 龙虾,螃蟹,虾,小龙虾,岩石龙虾,任何它们的部分,产品和副产品,如煮熟的整只龙虾,煮熟的蟹肉,煮熟的龙虾爪,煮熟的虾,蟹肉罐头,龙虾鸡尾酒,龙虾汤汁,龙虾酱,面包屑虾,虾拼盘,藤壶 03.05, 03.06


16.03, 16.05


21.03.90, 21.04.10

Echinoderms 棘皮动物 sea urchins and sea cucumbers, any of their parts, products and by-products 海胆、海参及其任何部分、产品和副产品 03.08


Finfish 有鳍鱼 ground fish and fat fish such as anchovy, basa, catfish, cod, croaker, eels, founder, gourami, haddock, halibut, hake, herring, kingfish, mackerel, mudfish, mullet, perch, pickerel, pike, pollock, rockfish, salmon, sardine, scad, seabass, seabream, smelt, snapper, sole, sturgeon, tilapia, trout, tuna, turbot, wahoo, walleye and whiting finfish products and by-products such as fish oil, caviar, fish eggs (roe), fish sticks, kamaboko, minced fish, smoked salmon and surimi 底栖鱼和肥鱼,如凤尾鱼、巴萨、鲶鱼、鳕鱼、鳗鱼、创始者、葫芦、黑线鳕鱼、大比目鱼、鲭鱼、鲈鱼、梭鱼和梭鱼尾鱼产品和鱼油、鱼卵、鱼棒、卡马博科、碎鱼、熏鲑鱼和鱼糜

this category also includes fish that don’t have fins such as cuttlefish, octopus, squid, any of their parts 这类鱼还包括那些没有鳍的鱼,如墨鱼、章鱼、鱿鱼等

03.01 –03.05


16.03, 16.04

Gastropods 腹足类 abalone, conches, loco, periwinkles, snails (marine and terrestrial), whelks, any of their parts and products 鲍鱼,海螺,疯鱼,长春螺,蜗牛(海洋和陆地),海螺,它们的任何部分和产品 03.07


Marine mammals 海洋哺乳动物 seals, whales, any of their parts, products and by-products (such as seal oil) 海豹、鲸鱼、其任何部件、产品和副产品(如海豹油) 02.08.40,02.10.92,02.10.99


Bivalve molluscs双壳软体动物 clams, cockles, geoducks, mussels, oysters, scallops, any of their parts, products and by-products such as breaded scallops,canned baby clams, canned oysters, cooked mussels, frozen scallop meat 蛤蜊、地鸭、贻贝、牡蛎、扇贝、它们的任何部件、产品和副产品,如面包屑扇贝、婴儿蛤罐头、罐头牡蛎、煮熟的贻贝、冷冻扇贝肉 03.07


Commodity: fresh fruits and vegetables 商品:新鲜水果和蔬菜

 It is important to distinguish this category from the “processed fruits or vegetables” category. Generally, a fruit or vegetable is considered “fresh” and not “processed” if it can degrade or rot during storage (dry storage or refrigerated). 重要的是要将这类食品与“加工过的水果或蔬菜”区分开来。一般来说,如果一种水果或蔬菜在储存(干储存或冷藏)期间能降解或腐烂,就被认为是“新鲜的”而不是“加工过的”。

Examples of sub-commodities to be identified under fresh fruits and vegetables

Sub-commodity 子商品 Examples 示例 Examples of HS chapters for importing 进口用海关代码
Fresh fruits 新鲜水果 whole, washed, sliced, cored, peeled, grated, chopped or cut fresh fruits such as apples, bananas, berries, citrus, coconuts, melons, pineapples, rhubarb, peaches and plums, fresh fruit products (such as fresh fruit salad), wild harvest fruits 新鲜水果,如苹果、香蕉、浆果、柑橘、椰子、瓜类、菠萝、大黄、桃子和李子,新鲜水果产品(如新鲜水果沙拉),野生采摘水果 08.01, 08.03 – 08.10, 08.14
Fresh vegetables 新鲜蔬菜 whole, washed, sliced, peeled, grated or cut fresh vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, fresh herbs, leafy greens (such as romaine lettuce, green leaf lettuce, red leaf lettuce, butter lettuce, escarole, spring mix, spinach, cabbage, kale, chard, arugula, bok choy), mushrooms, root vegetables (such as garlic, ginger, onion, carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnips), microgreens, sprouts and fresh vegetable products (such as prepared salads and salad kits), wild harvest vegetables 完整的、洗净的、切片的、去皮的、磨碎的或切好的新鲜蔬菜,如西兰花、花椰菜、抱子甘蓝、新鲜香草、绿叶蔬菜(如长叶莴苣、绿叶莴苣、红叶莴苣、黄油莴苣、莴苣、莴苣、春拌菜、菠菜、卷心菜、羽衣甘蓝、甜菜、芝麻菜、白菜)、蘑菇、根类蔬菜(如大蒜、姜、洋葱、胡萝卜、土豆、红薯、萝卜)、微绿色蔬菜、芽甘蓝和新鲜蔬菜产品(如准备好的沙拉和沙拉包),野生采摘蔬菜 07.01 – 07.09, 07.14

Commodity: honey and honey products 商品: 蜂蜜及蜂蜜制品

 The foods found in the honey sub-commodities may contain other ingredients but are still recognized by the consumer as a honey product. 蜂蜜次级商品中的食品可能含有其他成分,但消费者仍然认为是蜂蜜产品。

Do not select this box for apiculture products other than honey or honey products. For other apiculture products, such as bee pollen or propolis, select the “Manufactured foods” category. 除蜂蜜或蜂蜜产品外,请不要选择此项。对于其他养蜂产品,如蜂花粉或蜂胶,选择“加工食品”类别。

Examples of honey and honey products sub-commodities 蜂蜜和蜂蜜产品子商品示例

Sub-commodity 子商品 Examples 示例 Examples of HS chapters for importing 进口用海关代码
Honey and honey products 蜂蜜和蜂蜜产品 liquid raw or pasteurized honey, whipped honey spread, honey in the comb, powdered honey, honey jelly 液体状态或巴氏杀菌的蜂蜜,生蜜,蜂巢蜂蜜,蜂蜜粉,蜂蜜果冻 04.09

Commodity: manufactured foods 商品:加工食品

Sub-commodities to be identified under manufactured foods 加工食品子商品

Alcoholic beverage is the sub-commodity used for all beverages that contain more than 0.5% absolute ethyl alcohol by volume. Mixed alcoholic beverages, aperitifs and liqueurs are included in this category. 酒精饮料包括所有酒精含量超过0.5%的饮料子商品。混合酒精饮料、开胃酒和利口酒也包括在这一类酒之中。

Confectionary, sweeteners, snack foods and non-bakery desserts is a sub-commodity that includes a wide variety of foods. This sub-commodity is used for candies, sweets, and gum. It includes sweeteners like sugar, molasses and corn syrup and non-dairy based iced novelties such as popsicles and freezies. Snack foods include potato chips and corn chips. Desserts included in this category are sugar-based desserts. 糖果、甜味剂、零食和非烘焙甜点是一种子商品,包括各种各样的食品。这种子商品用于制作糖果、糖果和口香糖。它包括糖等甜味剂, 糖蜜、玉米糖浆和非乳制品的冰制品,如冰棒和冷冻品。零食包括薯片和玉米片。此类中的甜点是指基于糖的甜点。

Fats and oils derived from plants are found in this sub-commodity category. 从植物中提取的脂肪和油属于这一子商品类别。

Food chemicals are often used as food ingredients; they are not typically consumed on their own. This category includes food chemicals used for vitamins, minerals, artificial sweeteners, food additives and many other uses. Food additives are considered to be those listed on Health Canada’s Lists of permitted food additives. Please note this category does not include stand-alone vitamin or mineral supplements such as those sold in pill form, but rather those vitamins and minerals produced as ingredients or additives to food. 食品化学品经常被用作食品成分;它们通常不是单独食用的。这类产品包括用于维生素、矿物质、人工甜味剂、食品添加剂和许多其他用途的食品化学品。加拿大卫生部认可的食品添加剂可以参考上面的清单链接。请注意,这一类别不包括单独的维生素或矿物质补充剂,如那些以药丸形式出售的,而是那些作为产品成分或食品添加剂的维生素和矿物质。

“Foods not otherwise listed” is the sub-commodity used for foods that cannot be categorized into the other sub-commodities listed under “Manufactured foods”. It includes foods made from insects, such as cricket flour, dried mealworms and roasted crickets. Foods such as collagen casings, gelatins, and balut are in this sub-commody.  “未另列出的食品”是用于不包含在“加工食品”所列其他子商品的食品。它包括由昆虫制成的食物,如蟋蟀粉、干粉虫和烤蟋蟀。胶原蛋白等食物外壳、明胶和面包棒都在这个小分类。

Grain derived foods is a category used for foods that are made from processed grains, such as wheat, rice, oats, barley or corn. Foods made from processed grains include a wide variety of pastas, cereals, and breads, as well as a variety of grain-based desserts such as cakes, cookies, pastries, pies and muffns. 谷物衍生食品是一种用于由加工谷物制成的食品,如小麦、大米、燕麦、大麦或玉米。由加工谷物制成的食物包括各种各样的意大利面、谷物和面包,以及各种以谷物为主的甜点,如蛋糕、饼干、糕点、馅饼和松饼。

Infant foods include infant formula (either dairy-based formula, or non- dairy based formula), such as ready to serve liquid formulas, concentrated liquid formulas, or powdered formula products that can be blended with water and/or milk before consumption. 婴儿食品包括婴儿配方奶粉(乳制品或非乳制品配方奶粉),如液体配方奶粉、浓缩液体配方奶粉或可在食用前与水和/或牛奶混合的粉状配方奶粉产品。

Multiple foods is the sub-commodity that contains food made from multiple commodities, such as vegetarian pizza or sandwiches that do not contain meat. This sub-commodity also includes foods used in liquid diets, meal replacements, protein drinks and nutritional supplements. 多种食品是指含有由多种商品制成的食品,如素食披萨或不含肉类的三明治。这类子商品还包括作为液体饮用的食物、膳食替代品、蛋白质饮料和营养补充剂。

Non-alcoholic beverages include a wide variety of drinks. These beverages can be made from soy, coconuts, coffee, or tea. It also includes dry powders or liquid favour concentrates that are intended to be added to liquid to make a non-alcoholic beverage. This sub-commodity also includes soft drinks, carbonated drinks, and water (including flavoured water). 非酒精饮料包括各种各样的饮料。这些饮料可以用大豆、椰子、咖啡或茶制成。它还包括打算添加到液体中以制造非酒精饮料的干粉或液体浓缩物。这类子商品还包括软饮料、碳酸饮料和水(包括调味水)。

Nuts, grains, seeds can be raw, roasted, seasoned, or smoked. This sub- commodity also includes foods made from processing nuts, grains or seeds into other products, such as nut butters, ground seeds, or vegan substitutes. 坚果、谷物、种子可以是生的、烤的、调味的或烟熏的。这类子商品还包括将坚果、谷物或种子加工成其他产品所制成的食品,如坚果黄油、磨碎的种子或素食替代品。

Spices, herbs, flavours, condiments, dressings is the sub-commodity for foods that are typically used to complement, season or add favors to another food. They can be used as an ingredient in a food, added after a food is prepared, or used to accompany a food (for example, in a sauce). Spices are typically derived from fowers, seeds, fruits, roots, bark or nuts of a plant. Herbs are the dried leaves of herbaceous plants. 香料、香草、调料、调味品、调味品是食物的副商品,通常用来补充、调味或补充其他食物。它们可以作为食物中的一种成分,在食物准备好后添加,也可以用来搭配食物(例如,在酱汁中)。香料通常来自植物的草、种子、水果、根、树皮或坚果。药草植物是草本植物的干叶子。

Vegan dairy substitutes is the sub-commodity for foods which are suitable for a vegan diet. These foods do not contain dairy products or dairy derivatives. 素食乳制品替代品是适合素食饮食的食物。这些食品不含乳制品或乳制品衍生物。

Examples of sub-commodities to be identified under manufactured foods



Examples 示例 Examples of HS chapters for  importing  海关代码
Alcoholic beverages 酒精饮料 aperitifs, beer, ciders, liqueurs, pre-mixed drinks, spirits, wine (fortified grape or non-grape) 开胃酒、啤酒、苹果酒、利口酒、预混合饮料、烈酒、葡萄酒 22.03 – 22.08
Confectionary, sweeteners, snack foods (containing or not containing nuts), non-bakery desserts 糖果、甜味剂、零食(含或不含坚果)、非烘焙甜点 candies, chocolates (such as cocoa powder), cake decorations, marshmallows, corn syrup, birch syrup, table syrup, gum, molasses, halva, sugar, sweets, candy apples, dried coconut (sweetened or unsweetened), sweetened banana chips, popcorn, gelatin desserts, custard (including dry mix), frosting, popsicles, freezies, potato chips, corn chips, pudding (including dry mix) 糖果、巧克力(如可可粉)、蛋糕装饰、棉花糖、玉米糖浆、桦树糖浆、食用糖浆、口香糖、糖蜜、哈尔瓦、糖、糖果、小苹果糖、干椰子(含糖或不含糖)、甜香蕉片、爆米花、明胶甜点、奶油冻(包括干混合)、糖霜、冰棒、干冻、薯片、玉米片、布丁 17.01 – 17.04
18.01 – 18.06
19.04 – 19.05
20.05, 20.08
21.05 – 21.06
Fats and oils 脂肪和油 fats and oils obtained from plants, such as avocado oil, canola oil, coconut oil, corn oil, flaxseed oil, grapeseed oil, olive oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, vegetable oil, margarine, vegetable shortening, essential oils 从植物中获得的油脂,如鳄梨油、菜籽油、椰子油、玉米油、亚麻籽油、葡萄籽油、橄榄油、花生油、芝麻油、大豆油、葵花籽油、植物油、人造黄油、植物起酥油、精油 15.07 – 15.17,
15.20 – 15.21
Food chemicals


amino acids, vitamins, minerals, flavour enhancers, food additives (such as anticaking agents, artificial sweeteners, colouring agents, dough conditioning agents, emulsifying agents, firming agents, food enzymes, glazing agents, pH adjusting agents, preservatives, sequestering agents), food grade alcohol, malt extract, baking soda, baking powder 氨基酸、维生素、矿物质、香料增强剂、食品添加剂(如抗烘烤剂、人工甜味剂、着色剂、面团调理剂、乳化剂、紧化剂、食品酶、上光剂、pH调节剂、防腐剂、隔离剂)、食品级酒精、麦芽提取物、小苏打、发酵粉 13.01, 13.02
Foods not otherwise listed


cricket flour, dried mealworms, roasted crickets, balut, collagen casings, seaweeds and algae, bacterial culture, yeast, ice, granita, konjac noodles, bee pollen, propolis, simulated meat products, simulated poultry products, plant-based protein foods 蟋蟀粉、干粉虫、烤蟋蟀、鸭仔蛋、胶原蛋白壳、海藻和藻类、细菌培养、酵母、冰、格兰尼塔、魔芋面、蜂花粉、蜂胶、各种模拟肉制品。如果有相关问题欢迎联系毅 至 国 际。 12.12
21.02, 21.06
Grain derived foods


barley flour, breads, bread products (such as chapatti, bagels, rusks), cakes (such as carrot cake, chocolate mousse cake, cheesecake), cereal, pasta (fresh, frozen or dried), cookies, croissants, doughnuts, dried grains, instant oats, millet, muffins, rice, wheat germ, tart or pie shells, pastries, alimentary paste, corn starch, pitas, tortillas, pizza shells, pizza crusts, cake mixes, cereal- and grain-based infant foods 大麦面粉、面包、面包制品(如薄饼、百吉饼、面包饼、甜面包干)、蛋糕(如胡萝卜蛋糕、巧克力慕斯蛋糕、芝士蛋糕)、谷物、意大利面(新鲜、冷冻或干的)、饼干、羊角面包、甜甜圈、干谷物、速溶燕麦、小米、松饼、大米、小麦胚芽、馅饼或派壳、糕点、消化面团、玉米淀粉、玉米饼、披萨壳、披萨皮皮饼、蛋糕混合、谷物和谷物为基础的婴儿食品 10.01 – 10.08
11.01 – 11.09
19.01 – 19.05
21.04, 21.06.90
Infant foods 婴儿食品 ready to serve liquid formulas, concentrated liquid formulas, powdered liquid formula products 即食配方食品,浓缩配方食品,粉状配方食品 19.01.10
Multiple Foods 多种食物 nutritional supplements, protein drinks, sports nutrition, prepared vegetarian meals, sandwiches, formulated liquid diets, meal replacements, vegetarian pizza (frozen or refrigerated), perogies, vegetarian samosas, vegetable soups 营养补充剂,蛋白质饮料,运动营养,即食素食餐,三明治,配方液体饮食,代餐,素食披萨(冷冻或冷冻),蔬菜,素食萨摩萨,蔬菜汤 21.04.10, 21.06.90
Non-alcoholic beverages


carbonated beverages, flavoured water, coffee, tea, kombucha, coconut water, soy beverages, soft drinks, drink powders or liquid fruit flavour concentrates for making drinks, oat beverage, coconut beverage 碳酸饮料,调味水,咖啡,茶,康普茶,椰子水,大豆饮料,软饮料,饮料粉末或液体水果口味浓缩物,用以制作饮料,燕麦饮料,椰子饮料 09.01 – 09.03
22.01 – 22.02
Nuts, grains, seeds


raw, roasted, salted, smoked nuts such as almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, peanuts, pecans, pistachios, walnuts and their products (such as peanut butter, almond butter, almond beverage, tree nut butters
seeds such as chia seeds, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, hemp seeds, quinoa, sesame seeds and their products (such as ground flax seeds, soy nut butter, sunflower seed butter), tahini, tofu, a vegan “plant-based cashew product”, dried lentils, coffee beans, cocoa beans 生、烤、咸、烟熏坚果如杏仁、腰果、榛子、花生、山核桃、开心果、核桃及其产品(如花生酱、杏仁酱、杏仁饮料、树坚果黄籽如奇亚籽、亚麻籽、葵花籽、大麻籽、藜麦、芝麻及其产品(如亚麻籽、大豆坚果黄油、葵花籽黄油)、芝麻、豆腐、素食“植物性腰果产品”、干扁豆、咖啡豆、可可豆
08.01 – 08.02,
08.11 – 08.13
12.02, 12.04 – 12.10, 12.13
20.01, 20.06 – 20.08
Spices, herbs, flavours, condiments, dressings


dried herbs, gravy, mayonnaise, mustard, salad dressing, soya sauce, spices, salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce, vinegar, savoury spreads made from yeast extract 干香草,肉汁,蛋黄酱,芥末,沙拉酱,酱油,香料,盐,胡椒,伍斯特酱,醋,由酵母提取物制成的酱料 07.12
09.04 – 09.10
21.03, 21.06
22.02, 22.09
Vegan dairy substitutes 素食乳制品替代品 a vegan “plant-based (coconut or soy) product”, hemp protein 纯素食“植物性(椰子或大豆)产品”,大麻类蛋白 20.08

Commodity: maple and maple products 商品:枫树相关产品

 Examples of sub-commodities to be identified as maple and maple products

Food sub-commodity




Examples of HS chapters for importing 进口用海关代码
Maple and maple products 枫树相关产品 maple syrup, maple sugar, maple butter, maple candy, maple taffy, maple jelly 枫糖浆,枫糖,枫黄油,枫糖,枫太妃糖,枫果冻 17.02

Commodity: meat and poultry products 商品:肉类和家禽产品

Sub-commodities to be identified under meat and poultry products 肉类和家禽产品类别下的子商品

There are several sub-commodities of food animals which are based on the wide variety of domesticated animals and game animals used as food. The various meat and poultry sub-commodities include the meat derived from the animals associated with that sub-commodity, as well as any of their parts or products. This means that the meat and poultry products can be a variety of cuts, ground meat, marinated meat, or further processed into luncheon meat, sausage, broths, animal fats and oils (such as lard/shortening, tallow), meat flavours and extracts, and meat gravies and flavours. 食用动物包括几种子商品,它们是基于各种各样的家养动物和用作食物的狩猎动物。各种肉类和家禽子商品包括从与该子商品有关的动物身上提取的肉类,以及它们的任何部分或产品。这意味着肉类和家禽产品可以是各种各样的切块、绞肉、卤肉,或进一步加工成午餐肉、香肠、肉汤、动物脂肪和油(如猪油/起酥油、牛脂)、肉类调味品和提取物,以及肉汁和调味品。

Composite meat products include foods that are mixed with other ingredients. These foods are made up of more than 2% meat ingredients, which may trigger SFCR requirements that would not otherwise apply to the food, such as a work shift agreement. 复合肉制品包括与其他配料混合的食品。这些食品含有超过2%的肉类成分,这可能会触发SFCR的要求,而这些要求在其他情况下并不适用于食品,例如工作轮班协议。

Game animals are hunted, wild animals, for which permission is granted by a competent authority to hunt the animal for commercial use. 野味动物是指被狩猎的野生动物,经主管当局批准为商业用途而捕猎。

Farmed game animals and farmed game birds are food animals that are historically considered “wild” but have been raised for food production and transported to an abattoir for traditional slaughter with stunning. 养殖的野味动物和野味鸟在历史上被认为是“野生”食用动物,但已经被饲养用于食物生产,并被运送到屠宰场进行传统的屠宰。

Examples of sub-commodities to be identified under meat and poultry products





Examples of HS chapters for importing 进口用海关代码
Bovine (beef, bison and veal) 牛(牛肉、野牛和小牛肉) beef, bison and veal or any of their parts (such as chops, ground meat, organs, roasts, edible offal) and products such as broth, corned beef, lunch meat, meatballs, sausage 牛肉、野牛和小牛肉或它们的任何部分(如排骨、碎肉、器官、烤肉、可食用的内脏)和肉汤、咸牛肉、午餐肉、肉丸、香肠等产品 02.01, 02.02, 02.06, 02.10
15.02, 15.17
16.01 – 16.03
Caprine (goat)


goat, any of its parts (such as ground meat, roasts, edible offal) and its products such as marinated meat, sausages 山羊,它的任何部分(如绞肉、烤肉、可食用的内脏)及其制品,如卤肉、香肠 02.04, 02.06, 02.10
15.02, 15.17
16.01, 16.02
Cervidae 鹿科 farmed elk, deer, any of their parts (such as edible offal) and products 养殖的麋鹿,鹿,它们的任何部分(如可食用的内脏)和产品 02.08, 02.10
16.01, 16.02
Composite meat products containing a non-meat animal origin ingredient 含有非肉类动物来源成分的复合肉制品 foods containing more than 2% meat (calculated on the basis of the cooked weight of the product) mixed with other food commodities such as vegetables and grain products; 肉类含量超过2%(以该产品的煮熟重量计算)与蔬菜、粮食等其他食品混合的;
meat pies (tourtière), meat spaghetti sauce, beef stews, meat pizza (frozen or refrigerated), chicken lasagna, frozen meals containing meat; broths, flavours and extracts of meat origin 肉馅饼(tourtière),肉意面酱,炖牛肉,肉披萨(冷冻或冷藏),鸡肉千层面,含肉的冷冻食品,肉源肉汤、调味品和提取物
07.05, 07.09
15.17, 15.18
16.01, 16.02
19.01, 19.02, 19.04, 19.05
20.04, 20.05
21.03, 21.04, 21.06.90
Equine 马 horses, asses, mules, hinnies, any of their parts (such as ground meat, steaks, roasts, edible offal) and products (such as marinated meat, sausages) 马、驴、骡子、小马驹、它们的任何部位(如绞肉、排骨、烤肉、可食用内脏)和产品(如卤肉、香肠) 02.05, 02.06, 02.10
15.06, 15.17, 15.18
16.01, 16.02
Farmed game 养殖野味 farm raised game animals, such as bison, musk ox, elk, reindeer, caribou, antelope, deer, any of their parts and products 农场饲养狩猎动物,如野牛、麝牛、麋鹿、驯鹿、北美驯鹿、羚羊、鹿,以及它们的任何部分和产品 02.01, 02.02, 02.06, 02.08, 02.10
15.17, 15.18
16.01, 16.02
Farmed game bird 养殖野鸟 farm raised game birds, such as partridge, pheasant, pigeon (squab), quail, any of their parts and products 农场饲养野禽,如鹧鸪,野鸡,鸽子(乳鸽),鹌鹑,它们的任何部分和产品 02.08, 02.10
15.17, 15.18
16.01, 16.02
Game 野味 hunted wild game animals, such as caribou, musk ox, reindeer, any of their parts and products 被猎杀的野生狩猎动物,如北美驯鹿、麝牛、驯鹿及其任何部位和产品 02.01 – 02.03, 02.06, 02.08, 02.10
15.17, 15.18
16.01, 16.02
Ovine (Sheep, lamb and mutton) 绵羊(绵羊、羔羊、羊肉) sheep, lamb and mutton, any of its parts (such as ground meat, lamb chops, rack of lamb, roasts) and its products (such as marinated meat, sausages) 羊、羔羊和羊肉,其任何部分(如绞肉、羊排、羊排、烤肉)及其制品(如卤肉、香肠) 02.04, 02.06, 02.10
15.02, 15.17, 15.18
16.01, 16.02
Porcine (Pork) 猪(猪肉) any of its parts (such as chops, ground meat, ribs, roasts) and its products (such as bacon, creton, cured/dried sausage, ham, headcheese, hotdogs, and sausage), pork rinds 任何它的部分(如排骨,绞肉,肋骨,烤肉)和它的产品(如培根,猪肉酱,腌/干香肠,火腿,猪头肉冻,热狗和香肠),猪皮 02.03, 02.06, 02.09, 02.10
05.04, 05.11
15.01, 15.17, 15.18
16.01 – 16.03
Poultry 家禽 chicken, cornish hen, duck, goose, guinea fowl, turkey, any of their parts (such as breast, legs, liver) and their products such as breaded chicken strips, broth, meatballs, pâté, sausage, smoked breast 鸡肉、小母鸡、鸭、鹅、珍珠鸡、火鸡、它们的任何部分(如胸、腿、肝脏)和它们的产品,如带面包屑的鸡块、肉汤、肉丸、馅饼、香肠、烟熏胸肉 02.07, 02.10
15.01, 15.17, 15.18
16.01 – 16.03
Rabbit 兔子 rabbit, hare, any of its parts (such as edible offal) and products 兔子、野兔、其任何部分(如可食用的内脏)和产品 02.08, 02.10
15.17, 15.18
16.01, 16.02
Ratites 平胸类鸟 emu, ostrich, rhea, any of their parts (such as edible offal) and products 鸸鹋,鸵鸟,美洲鸵,它们的任何部分(如可食用的内脏)和产品 02.06, 02.08, 02.10
15.01, 15.17, 15.18
16.01, 16.02

Commodity: processed fruits and vegetables 商品:加工水果和蔬菜

 Sub-commodities to be identified under processed fruits and vegetables 加工水果和蔬菜类包含的商品

The foods found in the processed fruits or processed vegetable sub- commodities may contain a variety of other ingredients and may or may not be subject to standards of identity or grades set out in the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations and Food and Drug Regulations. Many of these foods were previously regulated by the Processed Products Regulations; however, similar foods made by processing fruits or vegetables that fell outside these former regulations are included within this commodity group now. 加工水果或加工蔬菜子商品中包括的食品可能含有各种其他成分,可能不符合《加拿大安全食品条例》和《食品和药物条例》中规定的分类或等级标准。这些食品中有许多以前受到《加工产品条例》的管制;然而,由加工水果或蔬菜生产的类似食品现在也包括在这个商品组别中。

Examples of sub-commodities to be identified under processed fruits and vegetables

Sub-commodity 子商品 Examples 示例 Examples of HS chapters for importing 进口用海关代码
Processed fruits 加工过的水果 apple sauce, fruits packed in hermetically sealed packages (such as cherries, fruit cocktail, fruit salad, fruit cups, peaches, pears, plums, sliced apples, strawberries), frozen fruits, sorbet, fruit juice, concentrated fruit juice, fruit juice from concentrate, and frozen concentrated fruit juice, fruit nectars, jams, jellies, fruit spread, fruit pie filling, fruit peel, marmalade, minced meat, dried fruits, fruit leathers 苹果酱,密封包装的水果(如樱桃,水果拼盘,水果沙拉,水果杯,桃子,梨,李子,切片苹果,草莓),冷冻水果,冰糕,果汁,浓缩果汁,浓缩果汁,冷冻浓缩果汁,水果花蜜,果酱,果冻,水果酱,水果派馅,果皮,橘子酱,肉末,干果,水果皮 08.01, 08.03 – 08.06, 08.11 – 08.14
20.06 – 20.09
Processed vegetables 加工过的蔬菜 vegetables packed in hermetically sealed packages (such as asparagus, beans, bean sprouts, beans with pork, beets, carrots, corn, cream style onions, creamed mushrooms, green beans, peas, potatoes, ketchup, legumes, lima beans, mixed vegetables, mushrooms, pumpkin, squash, sauerkraut, spinach, sweet potatoes, tomato (crushed, diced, paste, pulp, puree, sauce, stewed), chickpeas, lentils, and wax beans), frozen vegetables (such as peas, mushrooms, onions, spinach, squash, vegetable mixes/blends), frozen herbs, french-fried potatoes, vegetable juices, vegetable juice from concentrate, concentrated vegetable juice, chutney, horseradish, sauerkraut, olives, pickles (fresh or fermented), relishes, hummus, salsa, guacamole, dried vegetables 密封包装的蔬菜(如芦笋、豆类、豆芽、带猪肉的豆、甜菜、胡萝卜、玉米、奶油洋葱、奶油蘑菇、青豆、豌豆、土豆、土豆、番茄酱、豆类、青豆、混合蔬菜、蘑菇、南瓜、南瓜、泡菜、菠菜、红薯、番茄(压碎、丁、块、浆、果肉、浆汁、酱汁、酱汁、炖)、鹰嘴豆、扁豆和蜡豆、冷冻蔬菜(如豌豆、蘑菇、洋葱、菠菜、南瓜、蔬菜混合物)、冷冻香草、炸土豆、蔬菜汁、浓缩蔬菜汁、浓缩蔬菜汁、酸辣酱、山葵、德国泡菜、橄榄、泡菜(新鲜或发酵)、调味品、鹰嘴豆泥、洋葱调味汁、鳄梨酱、干蔬菜 07.10 – 07.14
20.01 – 20.06, 20.09


6 条关于 “加拿大安全食品证书申请之食品分类”的评论

    • 茶叶属于非酒精饮料,果皮属于加工过的水果,都需要食品证书才能进口到加拿大。如果需要办理欢迎跟我们联系,谢谢。

  1. 在加拿大批发销售蔬菜和水果(不是进口贸易)需要办理什么样的许可证吗?

    • 这个要看是省内贸易还是跨省贸易。如果是省内,一般只要供货商有相应牌照就可以,如果跨省要看具体是哪些省,有的情况可能也需要CFIA的食品证书。


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