

Small and medium-sized businesses are the backbone of the Canadian economy. During this extraordinary time, the Government of Canada is taking strong action to help Canadian businesses as COVID-19 is affecting them, their employees and their families.


The Government and public health officials are urging all Canadians to:


  • stay home unless it is absolutely essential to go out



For businesses, this means:


  • facilitating flexible and remote work arrangements




Four key considerations for businesses 四个主要支持

1. Support for employees  员工支持

2. Support for businesses   企业支持

3. Business travel and events  商务旅行及活动

4. Business in international markets   国际市场

1. Support for employees 员工支持

No Canadian should have to worry about losing their job, paying their rent or putting food on the table because of COVID-19. That’s why the Government is:


  • waiving the one-week waiting period and the requirement for a medical certificate for employment insurance (EI) sickness benefits to provide immediate support for workers in quarantine





  • and much more  以及其它更多相关措施。

2. Support for businesses 企业支持

Canada’s strong fiscal position means we are well positioned to respond to challenges such as COVID-19.


Canada’s coordinated approach to supporting the economy and the financial sector includes the Governor of the Bank of Canada cutting the interest rate to 0.75% and the Superintendent of Financial Institutions announcing an additional $300 billion in lending capacity by the major banks.


No employer should feel like they have to lay off a worker in the face of COVID-19. To further support businesses and their employees, the Government has announced:



通过加拿大两家公有银行:商业发展银行(BDC)及出口发展银行(EDC)推行一个新的“商业信贷投放项目“,为加拿大企业提供金融及信用保险方面共$100亿加元的支持(如想申请需要先联系有业务往来的银行,包括五大银行及HSBC, National Bank, Desjardins, Laurentian Bank,然后通过以上银行联系BDC和EDC);

加拿大税务局将税款缴纳时间延长到8月31号以减轻企业现金流负担(具体如下:个人报税时间延长到6月1号,税款缴纳时间从平常的4月30号延长到8月31号;自雇或配偶自雇税款缴纳时间同样延长到8月31号;企业利润所得税Income Tax税款如果缴纳时间在3月18号至8月31号内,统一延长到8月31号。截止日期8月31号前缴纳无须支付任何利息或罚款);

  • immediate relief for small businesses with a 10% wage subsidy for the next 90 days, up to a maximum of $1,375 per employee and $25,000 per employer

为小企业提供未来90天内10%的员工工资补助,每名员工最多 $1,375,每家企业最多$25,000(该补助仅通过减少3月18号至6月20号之间员工工资的税务局供款remittance实现);

  • a new Emergency Care Benefit of up to $900 biweekly for up to 15 weeks for self-employed people and others who are not eligible for EI sickness benefits

为自雇及其它不符合资格申请EI人士提供最多15周,每两周最高$900的紧急关怀补助(因为疫情生病、隔离、照顾疫情病人或者照顾儿童无法工作且不能申请EI方符合资格,可通过税务局的My Account账号网上申请,详情请点击以上链接查看)

  • increased credit available to farmers and the agri-food sector through Farm Credit Canada

通过加拿大农场信贷项目为农场主及 农业行业增加信贷支持。

Assistance for tourism operators, small businesses or organizations 援助旅游业者、小企业及组织

If you are a tourism operator, a small business or an organization affected by COVID-19 and need pressing assistance, the regional development agencies (RDAs) could assist you with access to federal funding and services.

如果您是旅游业者、小企业或小组织受疫情影响需要紧急援助,地区发展局 (RDAs)可以帮助您获得联邦资金和服务。

Contingency plans 应急计划

It is also vital for Canadian businesses to have contingency plans in place to manage potential financial risk. The Canadian Chamber of Commerce has developed a comprehensive preparedness guide for businesses in the face of COVID-19.


The Canadian Federation of Independent Business is also providing information to help businesses through these difficult times.


3. Business travel and events 商业旅行及活动

The Government is advising Canadians to:



如果在加拿大境外, 安排回国并自我隔离14天

To help bring Canadians home, the Government has created the COVID-19 Emergency Loan Program for Canadians Abroad.


When it comes to business conferences and events, the Government is advising against large gatherings of people.


4. Business in international markets 国际市场

Canada and the United States are temporarily restricting all non-essential travel across our border. Essential travel will continue unimpeded to preserve supply chains between both countries and ensure that food, fuel and life-saving medicines reach people on both sides of the border.


The Trade Commissioner Service has experts in 160 cities worldwide who can provide small businesses with market-specific insights and guidance to help you mitigate the impacts of COVID-19, as well as access to funding to help you in global markets.




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