加拿大食品檢驗局Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)許可證書介紹
加拿大食品檢驗局Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)是加拿大聯邦政府的一個重要組成部分,職責除了機構名字里的食品檢驗外,還包括動植物、飼料、肥料監管等相關工作。本期毅至國際博客我們將列出一些比較重要、常見的CFIA許可、證書、牌照供大家參考,方便大家了解CFIA職責,以及所從事業務是否需要CFIA審批。
Service Name服務名稱 | Description 描述 |
Export Application
出口申請 |
A type of official assurance in the form of a permit, providing an importing country with confirmation from the Canadian government – in this case, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) – that a product or commodity meets certain standards and requirements.
該許可是加拿大食品檢驗局(CFIA)提供的一種官方文件,用於確認某一產品或商品符合進口國所設定的特定標準和要求。通過此許可,進口國可以獲得關於產品質量的官方保證,從而便於進行後續的進口流程。 |
Fertilizer or Supplement Registration
肥料或補充劑註冊 |
Some fertilizers and most supplements regulated under the Fertilizers Act require registration and pre-market assessment prior to importation and sale in Canada. Registration requirements vary per submission type, class of fertilizer or supplement and risk profile of the product.
在加拿大,為確保肥料及補充劑的安全性和合規性,部分肥料及受特定法規監管的補充劑在進口及銷售前需完成註冊及銷售前評估。註冊的具體要求根據申請類型、產品分類及風險特徵的不同而有所差異。這一流程旨在保障消費者權益及市場環境的安全與規範。 |
Import Animal Products and By-Products
進口動物產品及副產品 |
Permission required for the importation of animal products and by-products into Canada.
進口動物產品及副產品到加拿大所需許可。 |
Import Aquatic Animals
進口水生動物 |
Permission required to import aquatic animals into Canada.
進口水生動物至加拿大所需許可。 |
Import Live Terrestrial Animals
進口活陸生動物 |
Permission required to import live animals, hatching eggs, and germplasm into Canada.
進口活物、孵化蛋和胚胎資源至加拿大所需許可。 |
Import Plant-Based Feed Ingredients
進口植物性飼料原料 |
Permission required for the importation of plant-based feed ingredients into Canada.
進口植物性飼料原料到加拿大所需許可。 |
Import Plants & Plant Product
進口植物以及植物產品 |
Permission required to allow industry or individual to bring goods into Canada.
行業或個人進口植物以及植物產品到加拿大所需許可。 |
Import Veterinary Biologics
進口獸用生物製品 |
Application to import veterinary biologics (vaccines, diagnostic kits, antibody products, autogenous vaccines, prescription products, allergenic extracts) into Canada.
進口獸用生物製品(疫苗、診斷試劑盒、抗體產品、自體疫苗、處方產品、過敏原提取物)到加拿大的申請。 |
Licence to operate a Hatchery
加拿大孵化場運營許可要求 |
Permission required by any person operating a hatchery in Canada that has an incubation capacity of 1,000 eggs or greater to operate a hatchery before incubating eggs from chickens, turkeys, game birds, ducks, and geese.
在加拿大,任何孵化容量達到或超過1,000枚蛋的孵化場運營商,在孵化來自雞、火雞、鳥、鴨和鵝的蛋之前,都必須獲得相應的運營許可。 |
Livestock Feed Approval or Registration
加拿大牲畜飼料生產、銷售及進口審批或註冊 |
Approval or registration of livestock feeds required prior to manufacture, sale or import in Canada.
加拿大對牲畜飼料的監管嚴格且完善,生產、銷售及進口前均需相應審批或註冊。 |
Plant Movement Certificate
植物運輸證書 |
Permission required to move plant and plant by-products within Canada. A Movement Certificate may contain conditions specified by CFIA that are necessary to prevent the spread of a pest or biological obstacle to the control of a pest and may specify a period of validity.
要在加拿大境內運輸植物及其副產品可能需要獲得相應許可證書,證書中包含特定的條件和有效期,以確保不會造成害蟲傳播或防控問題。 |
Request for opinion or data review for livestock feeds – New Information following Registration or Approval
牲畜飼料意見或數據審核申請 – 註冊或批准後的新信息 |
A process to contact the CFIA by any person who becomes aware of any new information indicating that an approved or registered feed may present a risk of harm to human or animal health or to the environment
確保任何關於飼料風險的新信息能夠及時報送給CFIA的流程,以便其採取適當行動保護人及動物的健康及環境。 |
Request for opinion or data review for livestock feeds – Product/Label Review
牲畜飼料意見或數據審核申請- 產品/標籤審核 |
Service offered by the CFIA to request an evaluation of a product or a label to determine whether or not the feed requires pre-market evaluation.
幫助飼料生產商或進口商了解其產品是否符合市場准入要求,從而避免潛在的風險和損失。 |
Research Authorization under the Fertilizers Act and Regulations
《肥料法及條例》下的研究授權 |
Allow persons to conduct scientific trials of unregistered fertilizers and supplements that would otherwise require registration prior to import or environmental release.
對未註冊肥料和補充劑進行科學試驗的許可。 |
Safe Food for Canadians Licence
加拿大安全食品許可證 |
Permission required to conduct domestic activities related to the production and selling of food. In addition, this permission is required to import and export food.
在加拿大開展食品生產、銷售、進出口相關的業務,需要申請該許可證書。 |